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Return to Work Coaching: A Video Series

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

Welcome to this video series covering each stage of maternity leave, from before you go on leave through to your return to work. The aim of this series is to give you a flavour of the conversations that may take place during a maternity coaching session at each stage of the journey, and to provide you with some useful tips and tools that you can easily implement yourself.

In this introductory video we explain what we’ll cover in the upcoming series and tell you a little about the work that we do in this space.

This video series is for you if you are:

● About to go on maternity leave

● Already on maternity leave

● Returning to work after maternity leave

● Managing others through the maternity leave process (e.g. Line Managers, HR Managers, HR Directors)

Providing support for working parents is fast becoming a priority for organisations keen to retain talent and progress women through to senior level positions. Returning to work post Covid-19 presents additional challenges given the changes that have taken place in how we engage with work (e.g. hybrid working) prompting many to reevaluate their careers and working patterns. Women returning to the workplace will have different experiences as they navigate the transition. Coaching offers them a safe and confidential space in which to explore the range of emotions they may be experiencing and offers support to them as they adjust to the changes to their personal and professional lives.

Other videos in the series:

Sometimes overlooked, the run up to your maternity leave is an opportunity to reflect on how you want to approach your time away from work. Giving some thought to how you step back from your job for a while and consider how you might want to keep in touch whilst you are on leave helps you to prepare for the changes that are about to impact your life. This video helps you to think through what this stage means for you.

As the date of your return to work approaches, preparing yourself for a smooth return is often the focus of a maternity coaching conversation at this time.. In this video we explore how you can work through the different decisions and key considerations that women tend to focus on as they adjust to being a working parent.

Often the main focus of maternity coaching, the time of your return to work can be challenging and emotional, yet for many, a welcome opportunity to reconnect with your career. Women can have vastly different experiences of this time, and coaching offers you the chance to think through what this means for you personally. In this final video we explore some of the topics that tend to arise at this time and share some of our top tips for easing you back to work.

About Sarah Turner:

Sarah is an ICF accredited Executive and Maternity coach with a background in HR, Diversity and Inclusion and Occupational Psychology. She brings a wealth of experience of working with leaders and businesses, combined with her rich and deep knowledge of psychology, behavioural change and systemic coaching to support organisations who wish to optimise their talent. A mum herself, Sarah has experienced maternity leave and she has coached numerous women and working parents as they navigate their own journey into parenthood. She brings compassion and empathy to her maternity coaching, priding herself on offering a supportive but empowering space where her clients feel heard and able to find their own way through this stage of their lives.


Instagram: @the_maternity_coach

LinkedIn: @sarahturnerbloompeople

About Laura Duggal:

Laura is an EMCC qualified and accredited coach with a background in HR and Recruitment. She has 15 years experience of coaching individuals around their professional and personal development. Her own experience of returning to work after having her daughter highlighted that there was a need for more robust support through this transition which led her to specialise in return to work coaching. Clients have shared that they find her to be warm and down to earth, giving them a renewed sense of self believe, motivation and tools to cope in a fast paced and often challenging world. Her coaching approach is grounded in Positive Psychology focusing on mental health and wellbeing. She sees her role as providing a safe and calm space for those facing uncertainty and making big changes in their lives.


Instagram: @lauraduggalcoaching

LinkedIn: @lauraduggalcoaching



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